Therapeutic Exercise through the Pilates Method

Therapeutic Exercise through the Pilates Method

The program offers the opportunity to train in Therapeutic Exercise through the Pilates method (Clinical Pilates) and especially in its application to patients, based on the latest scientific data so that the participant can specialize in the evaluation of the patient, to acquire the ability to reason in order to create a specialized program with controlled progression and adapted to the needs of each individual.

The teaching method is interactive and consists of the analysis of the theoretical background and its direct application during the practical part.


Participants will be trained:


  • In the assessment of the patient,
  • the organisation of the intervention plan based on the principles of assessment,
  • the definition of objectives for each patient,
  • choosing the appropriate exercises,
  • optimal execution of the exercises,
  • safe performance of the exercises, identifying indications and contraindications,
  • modifying the exercises from low to higher difficulty,
  • correcting movements/exercises by learning physiological and pathological kinesiology, biomechanics and their differences from pathological conditions,
  • checking the achievement of the initial objectives and linking them to the individualised exercise plan,
  • the use of various tools and instruments for this purpose (mat, small and large equipment),
  • personalised training (one-to-one training – personal training),
  • group training of patients with individualised exercise programmes
  • case studies and their presentation from the evaluation to the final intervention programme to the integrated application of the Clinical Pilate method as a Clinical Pilates Instructor on a professional level.