Kouloumpi Maria

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Maria C. Kouloubi is a Lecturer in the Department of Occupational Therapy at the School of Health and Welfare Sciences of the University of West Attica. She is a graduate of the Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health and Welfare Professions of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. She has completed her postgraduate studies in London (Msc in Occupational Therapy, University of East London, 2001), with a scholarship from the State Scholarship Foundation. Her dissertation research project focused on early intervention in psychosis in adolescents and young people, through the perspective of Occupational Science.She has worked under Erasmus in the UK at the Princess Margaret Rose Orthopaedic Hospital in Edinburgh, dealing with orthopaedic and rheumatology cases, and at the Royal Scottish National Mental Health Hospital in Falkirk, Scotland, with people with mental health problems.

She has been teaching on the undergraduate course in the Department of Occupational Therapy (formerly TEI) since 2000 and has been a member of the permanent teaching staff of the Department since 2012, participating on various committees. She has taught within courses such as: Research Methodology in Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy in Children and Adolescents with Neuromuscular Disorders, Activities of Daily Living – Ergonomics – Assistive Devices,Splints & Assistive Devices, The Activity in Occupational Therapy, Introduction to Occupational Therapy, Evidence Based Occupational Therapy Practice, Creativity in Occupational Therapy, Art in Occupational Therapy, Models & Frameworks of Reference in Occupational Therapy, Clinical Exercise.
In Greece she has a long clinical experience, with 17 years at the Attica Psychiatric Hospital, where she was involved, among other things, in the development of integrated programs to address the needs of people with experience of mental illness in different therapeutic settings. At the same time, for more than 15 years, she has been working with specialized rehabilitation facilities, where she advises and takes on cases of children with musculoskeletal, neurological and psychosocial difficulties and issues related to the performance of daily life tasks.

Her scientific interests include: qualitative research with emphasis on the use of participatory and innovative methods, project science, children’s anthropogeography, community development, children’s adaptation to the school environment, the impact of motor control on children’s participation in their environment, space-place studies, development of clinical reasoning for occupational therapists, ethical reasoning and management of ethical dilemmas, development of innovative educational approaches, international collaborations.

Since 1998 she has been actively involved in public affairs and has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Greek Association of Occupational Therapists (SAE) for many years, participating in scientific, political and trade union activities for the development of the occupational therapy profession. For 4 years (2004-9) he was the representative of the SEE in the Council of Occupational Therapists of European States (COTEC). Since 2019 he has been Secretary of the 1st Regional Section of the Panhellenic Association of Occupational Therapists (PACE), which is a NPO.
Since 2020 he is a PhD candidate at Queen Margaret University of Edinburgh, Department of Occupational Therapy and Art Therapies, Centre for Applied Social Sciences. Her research focuses on the study of children’s projects in the city through the lens of Project Science and its connection to Urban Studies and the anthropogeography of childhood.